Quiz results

I’ve got the quiz results.

And the Ipod goes to… Steve Anderson. He gave 14 correct answers.
Except for Steve among the leaders are:
Matt Ross – 12 corrects answers
Veronica Malkolm – 10 corrects answers.
Kate Maslowa – 10 corrects answers.

Please, send your delivery details to nastassiya2011@gmail.com so we can contact you regarding the prizes. Unfortunately, this time we have only one Ipod, but we will definitely send each of the winners a signed disk «Red Balloon». Hope next time we’ll have more prizes to give.

The most difficult question turned to be the one regarding languages. Actually there are songs in English, Russian, Japanese and Chinese in the album. Sorry, no Spanish and Filipino

As for the fiction character from the 14th question – it’s Jackie.

The answers to the other questions are evident.

Thanx for everyone who participated!