Without a chance to get a loving family…

I was surprised to learn that there are over 1 million orphans in Russia and CIS (probably even more). And what’s more – 90% of these children are not orphans actually. They are in orphanages because their families are unwilling, unfit, or unable to care for them. These kids are not available for adoption simply because their parents won’t sign off on them to be adopted. So the children don’t even have a chance to get normal families, they spend their childhoods in orphanages instead. It’s really sad and cruel.

I’ve heard that Sir Elton John wanted to adopt a HIV-positive boy from Ukraine, but it turned out to be that the kid has an alcoholic mother and a bunch of relatives. They refused to sign the kid off and the boy was left in a local orphanage. No need to say that the boy would be cared for much better if he was adopted.