How I got to Malaysia

After being traveling in China, I was determined to go to Thailand. I had my tickets ready and I was full of enthusiasm, as I have arrived to Thailand, Bangkok airport, I was told that I am not allow to come in because I need visa. Da! You would say why would I possibly assume that the girl with Belarusian passport and a green card can just go to Thailand? That’s what I thought I would do, and this is definitely what a tourism agency told me: “We have checked the visa requirements for you, you go ahead, don’t you worry”.

So, I look at the airport and feel little lost, I have two options:

1) Go back to US,

2) Go to Moscow.

Let me tell you those were not on my list for that moment. I was about to start crying just like as if somebody took away something precious from me, told me that I would never learn how to fly and I would never see a Peter Pan, I don’t know… something like this.

So when I came to exchange my tickets, I looked deeply into this woman’s eyes at the counter and I said: «I feel so sad. I really hoped I could see Thailand, I dreamed about it, it seems this is not happening».

And something actually happened, luck, coincidence or something you would call a fate. So this lady started listening to me, and she asked me what documents do I have and asked me to wait. In about two minutes, she told me: “If you really want to go to Thailand, you need to apply for visa elsewhere». I felt that I was losing hope with every breath, “Where I could possibly go with my documents in Asia?”. The lady looked at me with a huge smile, she said: “Malaysia!”

She checked the papers for me and she said: “You need to go for 6 days, to apply for visa to Thailand, once you have it, you will be able to cross those gates, pointing at the security pass” I don’t remember when the last time I was surprised but this is definitely was a surprise!

Malaysia! Malaysia? I don’t know anything about Malaysia, wow, great! The lady helped me to rearrange my tickets and gave me the pass for my adventure that i will never forget.

Malaysia, is a wonderful country, beautiful and fun. It is taking you by a surprise of double breath of the city, day and a night.  country where sleep is considered a waste of time, where everything is different but people speak English. I would never forget people I have met there: in the city, on the road, on the tourism tours and at the famous cave Gua Tempering that I crossed the country for!

Everywhere people are beautiful and welcoming, the spice of the food led me to eating salads and fruits, drinking lots of coffee. But everything else was a dream.

Excitement, romance, inspiration wonder, happiness, a solitary, where I found myself being closer to others than never.

it is funny but I kept thinking of Paulo Coelho and his thoughts on traveling, indeed, sometimes when you open your trust -you receive one in return.